Check back here regularly to find out what's going on at M&R Group LTD.
10th August, 2016: 2017 Winter School in London!
This one day event will include an interactive workshop session and innovative project work, culminating in group presentations at the end of the day where you will have the chance to showcase what you have learned and the skills you have developed in Marketing, Innovation and Management.
3rd August, 2016: We are on Instagram!
We will post all our most beautiful pictures and share our unforgettable experiences here.
19th July, 2016: Factory Tour of Mercedes in Stuttgardt
With our Regional Director for the MENA Region, Mrs. Nadia Ventura, and the lecturer of Business Administration, Dr. Gianluca Goi.
15th July, 2016: Factory Tour of BMW in Munich
With our Regional Director for the MENA Region, Mrs. Nadia Ventura, and the lecturer of Business Administration, Dr. Gianluca Goi.